Facility Dogs

Facility Dogs

Jake and Enzo are professionally trained facility dogs from Duo Dogs Inc., a non-profit organization accredited by Assistance Dogs International, and they serve over 400 children a year. Enzo is our newest facility dog; he joined us in October of 2019.

Jake and Enzo are able to sit with the child while they are in the waiting room, during the forensic interview, sexual assault exam, trauma assessments, mental health therapy and court prep.

Research shows that petting a dog has been known to lower your heartrate. The presence of a dog is also known to decrease feelings of loneliness and improve depression and self-esteem.

Wells, D. L. (2009). The effects of animals on human health and well-being. Journal of Social Issues, 65, 523-543.



Do Jake and Enzo live at the CSC?

No, Jake and Enzo were born and trained in St. Louis, Missouri but now live with their primary handler.

Do Jake and Enzo do normal dog stuff?

Yes! When Jake and Enzo aren’t working, they love to play and run outside, chew on their bones and eat treats.

Do Jake and Enzo come to work every day?

Jake and Enzo come to work Monday-Friday and after hours as needed. Jake and Enzo do take breaks during the day when they are not hanging out with kids.

Are Jake and Enzo Police Dogs?

No, they do not sniff out drugs or other contraband. Their job at the Child Safety Center is to interact with children to help them feel more comfortable and safe.

Quotes from children who have interacted with Jake at the Child Safety Center:
    • “I love him so much. He made me feel comfortable.”
    • “Thank you for keeping me company when I needed it.”
    • “Thank you for sitting and comforting me in my time of need.”
    • “I loved having you with me. You were very comforting. Thank you for being there.”
    • “I love you Jake.”
    • “Thank you for helping me feel better.”
    • “You kept me calm and relaxed.”