Family Advocacy services are provided to the parents and guardians of all children served at the center. These services are designed to give support and education to caregivers in a one-on-one setting. Victim support and advocacy are key components for any advocacy center. Even with support from the individuals working on the case, the very nature of the investigation can be traumatic.
Caregiver interviews are conducted by the family advocate with the caregivers while their child is receiving other services. A caregiver interview explores the abuse-related needs of the caregivers, provides education on the investigation process, and provides general reassurance and support. After the caregiver interview, the family advocate follows up with the caregivers for up to several months to assist with any additional services and referrals the family may need.
Our victim advocates are trained and knowledgeable of the court systems as well as the work of child protection, law enforcement, prosecution and the medical components of an investigation. Advocacy services consist of: